Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Raymond Chandler

I had heard his name for decades and finally read "The Lady in The Lake." It was surprising in that Phillip Marlowe isn't as "hard boiled" as in the movie versions of Chandler's books, and the style of his writing reminded me of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Only a little more descriptive and definitely grittier.

Chandler was born in the US but grew up in London! He even went to the same school as P. G. Wodehouse. He moved back to Los Angeles and didn't publish anything until he was in his 40's.

In one of the newer Miss Marple TV episodes, Miss Marple is sitting in bed reading "The Lady in The Lake." I wonder how many viewers noticed? It has a similar plot theme (two dead women who are linked in some way) as Christie's "The Body in The Library." I thought this was very interesting.

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